This month is not my lucky month.

First, my leader will go another road to find his feature.
He teaches me somethings maybe he think that are importment.
I don't think so.
Some one you read book ,you can learn it.
I don't know why he spend time to teach that for us.
Than, some one I think that us should be know how and know why,but he doesn't want to teach.
He think that is base?
Book can find is difficult?
Maybe in the final, I don't understand he.

Secend, You know?
I am a bad man.
I'm not smart.
Don't do that thing.
Not everybody see once can understand all.
I'm not God.
I'm just a people.

Third, last weekend and this weekend I teach a girl about national.
She is a smart girl, but I think she doesn't like anyone to meat about not homework.
I think I not a good teacher.
I just want to tell she about how to read question and step by step.
Hope she will get a better grate.

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